MOLDAVITE - a story


Frustration rises up in me that has nothing to do with the weather and the relentless, endless rain. It’s not even proper rain, more a heavy mist that leaves everything damp and heavy, droplets of moisture clinging to clothes, faces, hands, surfaces. Even the floor feels damp beneath my bare feet and I see faint footprints showing where I have walked, although I haven’t even been outside today. 

I have that nagging feeling again, the one telling me I don’t belong in this world and no matter what I do I cannot work out why I am here. Every day is a struggle to find connection and purpose, not to mention an exhausting financial struggle to make ends meet in a job I am bored out of my mind by and that doesn’t light me up or pay me enough money to stay on top of my bills. And right now, there seems to be a never-ending procession of bills demanding to be paid. 

Have I taken a very wrong turn somewhere along the way? Was I actually destined to be somewhere completely different, doing something else? People talk about alternate realities and parallel lives. Did I turn left at a fork in the road when I should have turned right? 

20 years ago, on my thirtieth birthday, a dear friend gave me a Moldavite crystal that changed my life and started a lifelong love affair with that magical green otherworldly rock. My lifelong love affair with other incredible crystals had already started. 

I’ve been wearing my latest Moldavite pendant and earrings almost constantly for the past 6 months and nothing seems to have happened except my frustration levels have increased daily until here I am, on a rainy Sunday, feeling pretty much at the end of my tether with it all. It feels like crunch time. I need something to happen. Something big. I can’t keep trudging along feeling like this, or I might explode. 

Moldavite led me here 19 ½ years ago, and it hasn’t yet let me down, so now I need to trust that it’s leading me once again to wherever and whatever needs to unfold next….


I’m driving along the road from Castlemaine towards Melbourne, deep in thought about the crystal healing workshop I’ve just left. The first of six Sundays of entering a whole new world that I am completely enamoured with. I’ve never before encountered something that lights me up and fills me with such curiosity and joy, a deep sense of belonging to this new world I am discovering. Galaxies away from my weekday office job in the corporate world. I turn on the radio and the words “crystal vision” float out of the speaker from a Fleetwood Mac song - a wink from the Universe, telling me I am in the right place. As if I needed a sign. I can feel it in my very bones. 

It is still a few months into the future, the day I will find myself at a free “Journey” healing session, where the lovely student practitioner will introduce me to the deck of cards that neither of us know will change my life. 

Not long before this happens, also some way into the future, I will be gifted a piece of Moldavite by another earth angel, my massage therapist Caroline, who I met a couple of years before, selling crystals at the South Melbourne markets, down the street from my little flat. 

All of these things conspire to alter my life’s path and hurl me onto a completely different trajectory… 

For now though, I am enjoying the country drive home from the first of my crystal healing workshops with Gitesha Brendel. I wonder where she is now, 20 years down the track. 

As part of my study and research, I am on the lookout for a piece of Dioptase to assist me in my quest for forgiveness of those who have wounded me. How much I still have to learn! I have obviously mentioned this to Caroline, because at my thirtieth birthday party, on a freezing winter’s night in a cute bar in St Kilda, I open the tiny parcel she hands me to find a beautiful, vibrant green crystal pendant she tells me is Dioptase. She’s so proud and excited to have found one for me, and I am delighted as I place it on a chain around my neck. Forgiveness and healing, here I come!

A few weekends later I am browsing through a new age shop and the sales woman comments on the beautiful Moldavite pendant I am wearing. “Moldavite?” I say. “Oh no, this is Dioptase”. 

“No, it’s not, it’s Moldavite”, she responds, and hands me Melody’s “Love is in the Earth” crystal “bible”, watching me read words about this tiny crystal that will, unbeknown to me, rock my corporate structured little world. 

I’ve never heard of Moldavite, and Caroline clearly hasn’t either, so I am intrigued to learn about this new crystal that has infiltrated itself into my unsuspecting world, disguised as a completely different stone. 

At this point I have absolutely no idea that in just over six months, my entire life will have turned itself upside down, I will have quit my job, moved states, discovered Naisha Ahsian and her “Becoming the Human Crystal” course, organised a trip to Peru with my beautiful mum and be standing at the starting point on the road to a completely different life. 

If that magic could happen then, that kind of magic can certainly happen now. To me, and to anyone else. 

I have spent a long time - far too long - in conflict about who I have been “expected” to be, and who I actually am. There’s a whole lifetime of conditioning and patterns and filters of course, we all have them. The important thing here is not my own personal demons and angels, or my ongoing story, but the undeniable fact that this little green rock created from an explosion and fusion of matter from outer space with matter from our earth has the enormous power to change the lives of any who come in contact with it. 

In all my years of healing work I have worked with it only a handful of times with clients. Its potent energy does not call to work with someone unless they are truly ready to resonate with the energy it brings. I am finding now, however, as more and more people are being called on to address their core wounds and really step into their truest, most authentic selves and lives, its energy is coming out more often, in readings more than healing sessions. 

Whilst its energy is in some ways merciless and you must respect its power - you cannot get away with excuses once Moldavite has called to you - it does not reveal itself in a reading or healing unless deep change is really needed, and its frequency supports that change and transformation in a graceful and beautiful way as long as you let it. 

This photo, taken today in the winter sun, shows a number of orbs with the crystal - such a beautiful sign of the guides around this piece and this story.

I would love to read your Moldavite story, comment below if you have one or are interested in knowing more….


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